The risk of a woman being exposed to wadery throughout her life reaches 50 percent. Most women are also at risk of experiencing this condition repeatedly, even for years.
Frequently rinse the genitals from back to front after defecating? Immediately stop this habit, because it can cause fatigue, which is most often caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is caused by bacteria from the large intestine that are also around the anus, such as E. coli, entering the urinary tract because of improper ways of cleaning the vagina. This bacterium then infects the bladder which if not treated immediately can also infect the kidneys.
Beware of Anyang
Anyang does not always cause specific symptoms. However, the following symptoms in general can be signs that you may experience fatigue.- An excessive desire to urinate.
- Pain or pain when urinating.
- Urinate more often, but in small increments.
- Pain in the pelvis if it occurs in women.
- Urine has a strong odor, is thicker, sometimes mixed with blood.
- Feeling tired and not feeling well.
- Fever.
Kidney (acute pyelonephritis)
Pyelonephritis is generally caused by bacteria, but can also be caused by fungi. Characteristics of pain in the upper back, high fever, nausea, vomiting.Bladder (cystitis or cystitis)
Pain in urinating or plaque is most often caused by inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). This type of UTI is usually caused by E. coli bacteria, can also be other bacteria, which are commonly found in the digestive tract. Its characteristics are discomfort in the lower abdomen, pelvis feels like being pressed, urinating repeatedly and feel pain, and the presence of blood in the urine.Urinary tract (urethritis)
The urethra is painful when urinating. The cause is the same, namely due to the spread of bacteria in the digestive system from the anus to the urinary tract. Because the position of the urinary tract is close to the vagina, sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes can also cause urethritis.If You Have Anytime
Go to a doctor if you experience one or more of the above conditions. The doctor will do a physical examination and if necessary, check urine samples to detect the possibility of the presence of bacteria that cause plastering. In general, this condition will be treated with antibiotics that must be consumed until they are used up, adjusted for the type of bacteria in the urine. In addition, the doctor may prescribe painkillers to reduce pain or pain during urination. You can also compress the lower abdomen with a bag or bottle of warm water, to reduce pain in the bladder. In addition, you will be advised to drink plenty of water to help expel bacteria from the urinary tract. But if you suffer from recurrent UTI, up to several times, the doctor will recommend other treatments, such as:- If your infection is suspected to be related to sexual activity, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for consumption after intercourse. Your sexual partner also needs to be treated so that the source of infection can be completely resolved.
- Provision of antibiotics for a longer time.
- After entering menopause, estrogen therapy can be given to reduce the risk of recurrence.
More Risky People
Everyone, male or female, can indeed suffer from plague, but there are those who are more at risk of experiencing this situation, namely:- Women are more at risk of wetting because the urinary tract is shorter, so bacteria more easily reach the bladder.
- Sexually active woman.
- Women who use contraception, especially diaphragm and spermicide contraception.
- Menopausal women.
- Women or men who have congenital urinary tract abnormalities from birth.
- There is a blockage in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones or prostate enlargement.
- Women or men who suffer from a weakened immune system.
- People who use catheters to urinate.
- Just had surgery or urinary tract examination.
Prevention of Anytime
If you experience any of the above conditions, you should be careful and take precautionary measures immediately to avoid any straying. Even though any symptoms are a common complaint, there are still things that can be done to reduce the risk of this condition:- Avoid drinks that are at risk of causing irritation to the bladder, such as soft drinks containing oranges, alcoholic drinks, and caffeinated drinks.
- Consumption of enough water to expel bacteria and facilitate urine disposal.
- For women, after defecating or urinating, wash genitals from front to back to reduce the spread of bacteria from the anus to the vagina and urethra.
- Immediately urinate after sex.
- Avoid using the product for the female area, such as cleaning sprays or powders that are at risk of causing irritation.
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